Columbia School of Journalism
Scripps Howard Foundation
The Telos Group
New York
Covering Religion in New York (2024)
Covering Religion in New York (2023)
Featured Stories from Ireland/Northern Ireland
Featured Stories from Israel/Palestine (2023)
Daily Dispatches
Daily Dispatches from Ireland/Northern Ireland
Daily Dispatches from Israel/Palestine (2023)
Ireland/Northern Ireland
About Us
Past Trips
2023: Israel/Palestine
2022: NYC and Abroad
2020-21: New York City
2019: Israel/Palestine
2018: Israel/Palestine
2017: India
2016: Italy
2015: India Yatra
2014: Israel/Palestine
2013: Italy
2012: Italy
2011: Israel/Palestine
2010: Israel/Palestine
2008: Ireland
2006: India
2005: Israel/Palestine
2004: The Soul of the South
2003: Moscow and Kazan
2002: Finding Faith: Covering the Religions of Russia and Ukraine Today
2001: Covering the Religions of Israel
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